Selasa, 29 November 2016

School's Irony

I begin to realise that schooling is arguably not the way we get freedom. Schooling only offers situated condition that treat everybody in a certain way. Almost no room for creativity and passion in school. Although people say that school means education, i somehow distinguish education from school. Education does not always relate to school, as neither school always relate to education. 

I once thought about being part of the change in schooling, where the campaign of creativity, being out of box, and being initiative are accommodated. But, later i found it was not the way school is. School is apparently about memorising, doing homework, being nice to teachers, obeying sets of rules, being nice guy without making any trouble, being  kind person, doing a test, passing exam to grab high score, grabbing score to find settled job or enter well-reputable university, and so on so forth. 

I once thought about promoting reading habit, teaching positive characters, and thinking out of the box. Yet i really wonder if i can make it when schooling is still being about standardisation on attitude, character, intelligence and putting aside the facts of heterogeneity on individual’s intelligence, and characteristics. 

I soon remember a mind-provoking quote by 16-year successful startup “business boy”, Eddy Zhong, "No one has ever changed the world by doing what the world has told them to do’’. See the figures who have changed the worlds. They are those who act against mainstream. Not those who brilliantly follow the mainstream. Owing to this fact, we can infer that it is hardly possible for schools to lead learners to be world changers when they still talk about uniformity. 

Will you stand still and let you flow along with the main stream? The choice is yours.

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