Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

The life as I wanna be


The more i live my life, the more i am thirst of hitting my maximum potential up to the most. This might be what so-called as self-actualisation. I used to think that money was everything in life. Somehow, it is almost true, as being abundant in the possession of money can afford many things that can make us happy and live better life. However, soon i realise that life is about making stories. There are many chapters in stories, and making money is just one of them, not the main point of it. 

Just imagine how it would feel like if you were full of money yet you have just normal days. No doubt, it is such a boring, isn't it? Life is about making story. And pretty sure, i am striving for making the best stories i have in life. This is not to suggest anyone else, but me myself. Here i want to talk about my own sights of how my life is heading to.

I have been visualising how in this life i have more time to do what i feel like to do. Giving charity, being travelling to where i want to travel, teaching and empowering people without losing my ‘me’ time, having resources to actualise my ideas, and exactly doing good deeds more and more for the others’ sake. Imagine the days when I have no problem with resources for bridging the wishes and reality. I name myself as a professional dream-catcher. Yes!!! Cool, isn't it?? 

When i was child and being teenager, i needed more listening to others than relying myself on determining what to do, especially when i was all at sea. Yet, the more i am growing the more i need to listen to myself and focus on the pure voice of my heart. I thank God for having me meeting many inspirational people and gaining new enlightening sights. 

My life is about actualising ideas and new ideas, travelling around the world, giving charity, giving maximum love and care to those beloved, empowering people, being update with everything new, taking worth-it risks, making friends with people from all around the globe (unless flat earth is truly proven lol), rising and giving the best education for my children, writing books, keep on learning and learning and learning, and dedicating all to my God, Alloh, till it is time to ‘go home’ in khusnulkhstimah. 

It is true that God creates every human with two ears and one mouth so that they will listen more than speak. However, there is a moment when it is better to shut up the both ears than let it open. In whatever we do, there is always comments from other people. I am not to show them what i am doing, neither to prove them that what i am doing is totally correct. Yet i am to do whatever i believe it to be true that benefits me myself and others. Listening to others is good, but sometimes it means risking my fabulous life. Something paradox it sounds, yet it is arguably the true, as the way it is. 

This is my life!

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